
Monday, March 23, 2009


Tonight Ben Folds was at Water Street. Super sad that I missed him. *sniffle*

Well the fiance and I got a real bed this past weekend. So comfy. I lurves it.

My grams is sick. In an attempt to help her feel better I made some chicken noodle soup from scratch today. Yeah, as they say there's a first time for everything. Let me say that it turned out damn fine. On occassion I surprise myself. This time it was in a good way. There was also a coffee cake concoction. Also, yum. Yay! My cooking/baking is improving from the lemon bread disaster.

Whist being utterly bored today I came across the site Postcrossing[dot]com. Reminds me of the penpals from elementary school in a way. Totally joined. My first postcard is going out to a lady in Finland. I'm looking at is an opportunity for my words to visit all the places I know I never will.

Well this is totally boring. Off to procrastinate in some other fashion. :D